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Blog posts

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    •  Collections

    Spiral escalator: An engineering wonder ahead of its time

    By Laura Sleath,

    In 1988, the rusty remains of an engineering experiment were found buried at the bottom of a lift shaft at Holloway Road station. Laura Sleath explores more about this engineering wonder ahead of its time.

    Construction of the spiral escalator at Holloway Road station, 1906
  2. Blog category
    •  Exhibitions
    •  Collections

    Poster Girls - Mabel Lucie Attwell (1879-1964)

    , 1 minute read

    David Bownes, co-curator of our Poster Girls exhibition, talks about one of the illustrators featured in the exhibition, Mabel Lucie Attwell.

    detail of a poster showing a girl and boy surrounded by toys
  3. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - The final session

    , 2 minute read

    It's the final session of the Battle Bus volunteer research project. Find out how the B type buses were used during the war, and the close relationship between the drivers and their 'Old Girls'!

    Sepia image of Bill' B-Type bus in an Armistice Day parade. The Bus is covered in flowers, with spectators on either side of the road.
  4. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Five and Six

    , 4 minute read

    This blog is part of a mini-series of updates about the Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project. Find out how our volunteers are planning how they want to design their exhibition, with some helpful tips from Sau-Fun Mo, the Museum's Head of Design and Presentation.

    A photo of a B-Type bus, which has been converted into a pigeon loft
  5. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Four

    , 2 minute read

    As part of our Battle Bus project, our volunteers have explored the T.O.T magazine for insight into the use of B type buses during the war and the role of transport workers in wartime.

    A picture of the TOT Magazine, with the headline "Mutual Aid Series"
  6. Blog category
    •  Collections
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    C&RE - A modern couple who brought a new aesthetic to 1930s poster art

    , 2 minute read

    Find out about Clifford and Rosemary Ellis, the husband and wife designer duo who shared artistic and marital equality.

    A green, brown, black and red poster illustration of a woman, along with the words "come out to play"
  7. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Three

    , 2 minute read

    Join our volunteers as they explore the different forms of research they can utilise in their exploration of the B type bus.

    A photo of war memorabilia lay out. Including medal and photos
  8. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Two

    , 2 minute read

    The Battle Bus project volunteers visited the Imperial War Museum and National Army Museum to see how people interact with their exhibitions, and to start forming their own ideas on what they want to do for their project.

    Gray flat metal sculpture of soldiers