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Blog posts

  1. Blog category
    •  Climate Crossroads

    How are engineers creating a greener future?

    , 3 minute read

    Discover some of the solutions helping to make our city more sustainable.

    A hydrogen bus on a road lined with trees
  2. Blog category
    •  Collections
    •  Q Stock Restoration
    •  Museum Depot

    Our Q Stock story: one year on

    , 3 minute read

    An update on our Q Stock restoration project by Project Manager Jullian Urry.

    Volunteers working on the inside of a train car
  3. Blog category
    •  Collections
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus project 2014-2018

    We take a look back at five years of the Battle Bus project, restoring a vintage bus and a community programme exploring the war

    Four vintage buses on the Covent Garden Piazza
  4. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus


    Discover our new installation and meet the artist behind the forget-me-not display in the Museum, commissioned to remember the thousands of transport workers involved in the First World War

    A display of forget-me-nots inside the museum
  5. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - The final session

    , 2 minute read

    It's the final session of the Battle Bus volunteer research project. Find out how the B type buses were used during the war, and the close relationship between the drivers and their 'Old Girls'!

    Sepia image of Bill' B-Type bus in an Armistice Day parade. The Bus is covered in flowers, with spectators on either side of the road.
  6. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Five and Six

    , 4 minute read

    This blog is part of a mini-series of updates about the Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project. Find out how our volunteers are planning how they want to design their exhibition, with some helpful tips from Sau-Fun Mo, the Museum's Head of Design and Presentation.

    A photo of a B-Type bus, which has been converted into a pigeon loft
  7. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Four

    , 2 minute read

    As part of our Battle Bus project, our volunteers have explored the T.O.T magazine for insight into the use of B type buses during the war and the role of transport workers in wartime.

    A picture of the TOT Magazine, with the headline "Mutual Aid Series"
  8. Blog category
    •  Battle Bus

    Battle Bus Research Volunteer Project - Session Three

    , 2 minute read

    Join our volunteers as they explore the different forms of research they can utilise in their exploration of the B type bus.

    A photo of war memorabilia lay out. Including medal and photos